Our law firm services in criminal law in Girona
Contact usEverything a criminal lawyer in Girona can do for you
The professional law firm located in Girona, Velasco Blaya Advocats, is specialized in the criminal defense of individuals and companies in the commission of crimes.
The exercise of this task can be articulated in two ways: exercising the particular accusation or exercising criminal defense.
Such actions take place in various phases: on the one hand, the investigation phase; and on the other hand, the trial phase.
During the investigation phase, the client is advised before he gives his statement to the police and intervenes in this declaration. We also intervene in the statement in the Court of Instruction, as well as in all the other inquiries and diligences specific to the investigation phase, such as judicial declarations, recognition proceedings, etc.
If the judicial proceeding continues, the phase of the abbreviated procedure is opened, and then the proceedings are sent to the criminal court or the competent higher court for prosecution. In this phase, we intervene in the trial in defense of the client.
We offer our proven professional experience in all types of criminal proceedings.

The services offered in this area of action, -exercising the function of criminal defense or private accusation-, are the following:
- * Assistance to the client in the Police and in the Court.
- * Drafting of complaints.
- * Intervention in proceedings for crimes against road safety (driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotic substances, reckless driving, driving without a driving license, etc.).
- * Intervention in domestic violence procedures.
- * Intervention in juvenile proceedings.
- * Intervention in procedures for crimes committed through the use of new technologies (Whats App, social networks such as Facebook, etc.)
- * Intervention in proceedings followed for crimes of libel, threats, coercion, extortion and physical and sexual aggression.
- * Intervention in proceedings followed for crimes against public health.
- * Intervention in proceedings followed for patrimonial crimes (scams, misappropriations, robberies, crimes of defrauding the electricity supply, etc.).
- * Intervention in procedures for corporate crimes.
- * Intervention in proceedings for minor offenses.
- * Intervention in crimes against the safety of workers.